Dear Newberry Pool Members,
With the 2018 Pool Season Arrival, we encourage all residents to review the Pool Rules and Regulations prior to visiting the pool and we would like to bring your attention to some changes that have been implemented to assist in making the 2018 Pool Season a Great One!
• New Camera System at the Pool. The Pool and surrounding area of the pool is now under 24 Hour Camera Surveillance. With the incidents that occurred in 2017 Pool Season, the Board Members approved the installation of Cameras. The recording will be reviewed for incidents of vandalism, unauthorized persons and unsupervised children under the allowable age of 14. Any violations that may occur, pool privileges/membership may be revoked.
• Introduction of Adult Swim Night, all adults 18 and over are invited every Thursday evening from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. This time of the pool is set aside for the adult members, please no children in this time frame.
• Landscape Enhancements are around the corner to beautify the area. Please pardon our dust through this process.
• Pool Parking is for Pool Patrons Only for the pool season. Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day weekend. Please, no overnight parking.
• Any issues that may arise, please contact either Kathi or Morgan at Centennial Management. They may be reached either through email or phone at the following:
Kathi- 913.563.4723
Morgan- 913.573.4725
Centennial Management Phone Number -913.648.1500
• You may report any incidents, or key request directly through Morgan or Kathi or through the Centennial Management Office.
Wishing you an enjoyable summer at the Newberry Pool.